From 54dacb7028a0aad89d89a598ba923548862f9c6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Firth <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 14:30:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove shell from source and use horizon-shell instead

---         | 96 +++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 flake.lock        |  8 ++--
 flake.nix         | 10 -----
 horizon.dhall     | 32 ++++++++--------
 shell/ShellRC.hs  | 90 --------------------------------------------
 shell/default.nix | 75 ------------------------------------
 6 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 shell/ShellRC.hs
 delete mode 100644 shell/default.nix

diff --git a/ b/
index bcf91b4d..b3dd7096 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,24 +4,41 @@
 Horizon is a haskell package set targetting new builds of GHC.
-## Getting started
+## Package Set Policy
-You an can use this package set instead of your haskell packages set in
-nixpkgs. To see an example you can use the template supplied with this
+This package set has the following policy.
-mkdir myProject
-cd myProject
-nix flake init -t 'git+'
+* GHC will advance as often as possible
+* Nonversioned locations (git, unversioned tarballs) are permitted to allow
+  GHC to advance.
+* The following packages must always build:
+  * aeson
+  * beam-postgres
+  * composite-base
+  * dhall
+  * haskell-language-server
+  * hedgehog
+  * pandoc
+  * persistent-postgresql
+  * polysemy
+  * servant
+  * sydtest
+  * tasty
+  * xmonad-contrib
+  * xmonad
+  * wai-app-static
+  * warp
+* Tags will be of the form `unstable-<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-r<N>` where any
+  unversioned source is used.
+* Tags will be of the form `stable-<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-r<N>` where all
+stable sources are used.
 ## Updating the package set
 The package set is generated from the `horizon.dhall` using the following command:
-nix run .#horizon-gen-nix
+nix run 'git+'
 This will generate both the packages folder and the package set file. If you
@@ -35,12 +52,16 @@ afterwards.
 ## Programmmatic Updates
-The package set will be automatically loaded under the variable `hz`.
+To use `horizon-shell`.
-import Horizon.Spec.Utils
+nix run 'git+'
+The package set will be automatically loaded under the variable `hz`.
-let f = "lens" L..~ Just (callHackage "lens" "5.1")
+let f = "lens" L..~ Just (H.callHackage "lens" "5.1")
 :t f
 f :: (L.IxValue t ~ HaskellPackage, L.At t,
@@ -53,51 +74,4 @@ H.writeHorizonFile hz'
-Then remember to delete `pkgs/lens.nix` and re-run `nix run .#horizon-gen-nix`
-as usual.~
-## Package Set Policy
-This package set has the following policy.
-* GHC will advance as often as possible
-* Nonversioned locations (git, unversioned tarballs) are permitted to allow
-  GHC to advance.
-* The following packages must always build:
-  * aeson
-  * beam-postgres
-  * composite-base
-  * dhall
-  * haskell-language-server
-  * hedgehog
-  * pandoc
-  * persistent-postgresql
-  * polysemy
-  * servant
-  * sydtest
-  * tasty
-  * xmonad-contrib
-  * xmonad
-  * wai-app-static
-  * warp
-* Tags will be of the form `unstable-<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-r<N>` where any
-  unversioned source is used.
-* Tags will be of the form `stable-<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-r<N>` where all
-stable sources are used.
-## Commit Policy
-* All commits should evaluate with `nix flake show`.
-* All commits should pass all checks with `nix flake check`.
-* All derivations in `packages` should build.
-* Where possible, commits should be atomic, of the form
-  * foo: init at <version>
-  * foo: <old-version> -> <new-version>
-* If multiple packages need to be maintained in lockstep,
-  the commit message should contain all changes.
-## ChangeLog Policy
-* ChangeLogs should clearly show source stability changes between versions,
-  of the form:
-  * stabilized source: aeson, lens
-  * destabilized source: pandoc
+Then remember to delete `pkgs/lens.nix` and re-run horizon-gen-nix as usual.
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index e84854a9..622d6f57 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@
     "horizon-platform": {
       "flake": false,
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1678805130,
-        "narHash": "sha256-I4q5yTZZJB5vuWfA/T0NaIgAi3kaP5k6OWCc34YWlgc=",
+        "lastModified": 1678886634,
+        "narHash": "sha256-PkiDQImBu4i9sOKiOIEDMryBGn3ouBZ/H0+mAyOEbLk=",
         "ref": "refs/heads/master",
-        "rev": "b04d3fea8d6127c1aa7d8e8bb0d2812e8b5e1d20",
-        "revCount": 991,
+        "rev": "0b3c27cd666315edca0585e82ed6d74f208fff5b",
+        "revCount": 997,
         "type": "git",
         "url": ""
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 03278260..c34d9fbb 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -76,19 +76,9 @@
               && v.meta.broken == false)
-          procex = import ./shell/default.nix { haskellPackages = horizon-platform-prev.legacyPackages.${system}; inherit (pkgs) runCommand writeShellScriptBin; };
-          apps = {
-            procex = {
-              type = "app";
-              program = "${procex}/bin/procex-shell";
-            };
-          };
           checks = with lint-utils.linters.${system}; {
             dhall-format = dhall-format { src = self; };
             nixpkgs-fmt = nixpkgs-fmt { src = self; };
diff --git a/horizon.dhall b/horizon.dhall
index 1393042d..24b73d18 100644
--- a/horizon.dhall
+++ b/horizon.dhall
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ let packages =
       , Decimal = H.callHackage "Decimal" "0.5.2"
       , Diff = H.callHackage "Diff" "0.4.1"
       , Glob = H.callHackage "Glob" "0.10.2"
-      , HaskellNet = H.callHackage "HaskellNet" ""
       , HTF = H.callHackage "HTF" ""
       , HTTP = H.callHackage "HTTP" "4000.4.1"
       , HUnit = H.callHackage "HUnit" ""
+      , HaskellNet = H.callHackage "HaskellNet" ""
       , Hclip = H.callHackage "Hclip" ""
       , HsOpenSSL = H.callHackage "HsOpenSSL" ""
       , HsYAML = H.callHackage "HsYAML" ""
@@ -550,19 +550,21 @@ let packages =
       , hnix-store-remote = H.callHackage "hnix-store-remote" ""
       , hopenssl = H.callHackage "hopenssl" "2.2.4"
       , horizon-gen-nix =
-          H.callHorizonGitlab "horizon-gen-nix" "0.9.0" (Some "horizon-gen-nix")
+          H.callTarball
+            ""
+            (Some "horizon-gen-nix/")
       , horizon-spec =
-          H.callHorizonGitlab "horizon-spec" "0.11.0" (Some "horizon-spec")
+          H.callTarball
+            ""
+            (Some "horizon-spec/")
       , horizon-spec-lens =
-          H.callHorizonGitlab
-            "horizon-spec-lens"
-            "0.2.0"
-            (Some "horizon-spec-lens")
+          H.callTarball
+            ""
+            (Some "horizon-spec-lens/")
       , horizon-spec-pretty =
-          H.callHorizonGitlab
-            "horizon-spec-pretty"
-            "0.1.0"
-            (Some "horizon-spec-pretty")
+          H.callTarball
+            ""
+            (Some "horizon-spec-pretty/")
       , hosc = H.callHackage "hosc" "0.19.1"
       , hostname = H.callHackage "hostname" "1.0"
       , hourglass = H.callHackage "hourglass" "0.2.12"
@@ -692,9 +694,9 @@ let packages =
       , lazysmallcheck = H.callHackage "lazysmallcheck" "0.6"
       , lens = H.callHackage "lens" "5.2"
       , lens-aeson = H.callHackage "lens-aeson" "1.2.1"
+      , lens-family = H.callHackage "lens-family" "2.1.2"
       , lens-family-core = H.callHackage "lens-family-core" "2.1.2"
       , lens-family-th = H.callHackage "lens-family-th" ""
-      , lens-family = H.callHackage "lens-family" "2.1.2"
       , libsodium = H.callHackage "libsodium" ""
       , libsystemd-journal = H.callHackage "libsystemd-journal" "1.4.5"
       , libxml = H.callHackage "libxml" "0.1.1"
@@ -761,7 +763,6 @@ let packages =
       , mockery = H.callHackage "mockery" "0.3.5"
       , mod = H.callHackage "mod" ""
       , modern-uri = H.callHackage "modern-uri" ""
-      , monadlist = H.callHackage "monadlist" "0.0.2"
       , monad-control = H.callHackage "monad-control" ""
       , monad-logger = H.callHackage "monad-logger" "0.3.37"
       , monad-logger-extras = H.callHackage "monad-logger-extras" ""
@@ -772,6 +773,7 @@ let packages =
       , monad-peel = H.callHackage "monad-peel" ""
       , monad-primitive = H.callHackage "monad-primitive" "0.1"
       , monad-time = H.callHackage "monad-time" ""
+      , monadlist = H.callHackage "monadlist" "0.0.2"
       , monads-tf = H.callHackage "monads-tf" ""
       , mono-traversable = H.callHackage "mono-traversable" ""
       , monoid-extras = H.callHackage "monoid-extras" "0.6.2"
@@ -798,8 +800,8 @@ let packages =
       , newtype = H.callHackage "newtype" ""
       , newtype-generics = H.callHackage "newtype-generics" "0.6.2"
       , nix-derivation = H.callHackage "nix-derivation" "1.1.2"
-      , nonempty-vector = H.callHackage "nonempty-vector" ""
       , non-negative = H.callHackage "non-negative" "0.1.2"
+      , nonempty-vector = H.callHackage "nonempty-vector" ""
       , nothunks = H.callHackage "nothunks" "0.1.3"
       , numeric-extras = H.callHackage "numeric-extras" "0.1"
       , numeric-prelude = H.callHackage "numeric-prelude" "0.4.4"
@@ -1062,8 +1064,8 @@ let packages =
       , socks = H.callHackage "socks" "0.6.1"
       , some = H.callHackage "some" "1.0.4"
       , sop-core = H.callHackage "sop-core" ""
-      , sorted-list = H.callHackage "sorted-list" ""
       , sort = H.callHackage "sort" ""
+      , sorted-list = H.callHackage "sorted-list" ""
       , souffle-haskell = H.callHackage "souffle-haskell" "3.5.0"
       , special-values = H.callHackage "special-values" ""
       , split = H.callHackage "split" ""
diff --git a/shell/ShellRC.hs b/shell/ShellRC.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d86ff860..00000000
--- a/shell/ShellRC.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies        #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists           #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell           #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin #-}
-module ShellRC where
-import qualified Brick
-import           Brick.Widgets.Border
-import qualified Brick.Widgets.List        as Brick
-import           Brick.Widgets.Table       (Table, renderTable, table)
-import qualified Brick.Widgets.Table       as Brick
-import qualified Control.Lens              as L
-import           Control.Monad             (forM, void)
-import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import           Cursor.List.NonEmpty
-import qualified Data.Aeson                as A
-import qualified Data.Aeson.Key            as A
-import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap         as A
-import qualified Data.Aeson.Lens           as L
-import qualified Data.ByteString           as B
-import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BLU
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU
-import           Data.Kind                 (Type)
-import qualified Data.List
-import           Data.List.NonEmpty        (NonEmpty ((:|)))
-import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
-import           Data.Maybe                (fromMaybe)
-import           Data.Monoid
-import           Data.Text                 (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text                 as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding        as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error  as T
-import qualified Data.Vector               as V
-import qualified Data.Yaml                 as Y
-import qualified Data.Yaml.Pretty          as Y
-import qualified Dhall
-import           Dhall.Core
-import qualified Dhall.Map                 as DMap
-import           Dhall.Src
-import           GHC.Exts
-import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes
-import           Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
-import           Horizon.Spec
-import qualified Horizon.Spec.Lens         as L
-import qualified Horizon.Spec.Pretty       as H
-import           Network.HTTP.Simple
-import           Path
-import           Polysemy
-import           Polysemy.State
-import           Procex.Prelude
-import           Procex.Shell              hiding (promptFunction)
-import           System.Directory
-import           System.Environment
-promptFunction :: [String] -> Int -> IO String
-promptFunction _modules _line = do
-  d <- getEnv "PWD"
-  setCurrentDirectory d
-  pure $ d <> ": "
-_init :: IO ()
-_init = do
-  initInteractive
-  getEnv "REALHOME" >>= setEnv "HOME" -- Set by the script that launches GHCi
-hackagePkg :: Text -> IO A.Value
-hackagePkg x = do
-  k <- parseRequest $ "" <> T.unpack x
-  getResponseBody <$> httpJSON k
-hackagePkgLatest :: Text -> IO Text
-hackagePkgLatest x = Prelude.last . Map.keys . A.toMapText . L.view L._Object <$> hackagePkg x
-runAllFeedback :: IO ()
-runAllFeedback = do
-  (x :: Either Y.ParseException A.Value) <- Y.decodeFileEither "feedback.yaml"
-  t <- getEnv "TERM"
-  let y = Map.keys . A.toMapText . L.view (L._Right . L._Object . L.ix "loops" . L._Object) $ x
-  mapM_ (captureLazyNoThrow . mq t "--command" "nix" "run" "github:NorfairKing/feedback" "--" . T.unpack) y
-loadHorizon :: IO HorizonExport
-loadHorizon = Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
diff --git a/shell/default.nix b/shell/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c13393b5..00000000
--- a/shell/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-{ haskellPackages, writeShellScriptBin, runCommand }:
-  shellrcSrcPath = ./.;
-  shellrcModule = "ShellRC";
-  shellrcSrc = shellrcSrcPath;
-  shellrcModulePath = builtins.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "/" ] shellrcModule + ".hs";
-  ghc = haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [
-    brick
-    bytestring
-    containers
-    cursor
-    dhall
-    http-conduit
-    horizon-gen-nix
-    horizon-spec
-    horizon-spec-lens
-    horizon-spec-pretty
-    lens
-    lens-aeson
-    path
-    polysemy-plugin
-    polysemy
-    procex
-    text
-    vector
-    yaml
-  ]);
-  args = builtins.concatStringsSep " " [
-    "-XDataKinds"
-    "-XExtendedDefaultRules"
-    "-XGHC2021"
-    "-XOverloadedStrings"
-    "-XOverloadedLabels"
-    "-Wall"
-    "-Wno-type-defaults"
-  ];
-  shellrc = runCommand "shellrc" { } ''
-    cp ${shellrcSrc} --no-preserve=all -rT $out
-    ${ghc}/bin/ghc -c -dynamic --make -i"$out" ${args} $out/${shellrcModulePath}
-  '';
-  init = runCommand "ghci-init" { } ''
-    cat > $out <<END
-      :set +m -interactive-print Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint
-      :l ${shellrcModule}
-      import Procex.Shell.Labels
-      :set prompt-function promptFunction
-      _init
-      hz <- loadHorizon
-    END
-    grep -E '^import .*$' < ${shellrcSrc}/${shellrcModulePath} >> $out
-  '';
-(writeShellScriptBin "procex-shell" ''
-  home="$HOME/.local/share/ghci-shell"
-  mkdir -p "$home"
-  exec env GHCRTS="-c" HOME="$home" REALHOME="$HOME" ${ghc}/bin/ghci ${args} -ignore-dot-ghci -i -i${shellrc} -ghci-script ${init} "$@"
-'').overrideAttrs (old: old // { passthru = { shellPath = "/bin/procex-shell"; }; })