diff --git a/manifest.dhall b/manifest.dhall
index 08bf8cf0bf48ed4dee2d75aa39c861fea6026a75..a00354a9e967ab1652c4d68ef9dea0523898d81e 100644
--- a/manifest.dhall
+++ b/manifest.dhall
@@ -554,6 +554,7 @@ in  [ callHackage "Cabal" ""
     , callHackage "warp-tls" "3.3.3"
     , callHackage "witherable" "0.4.2"
     , callHackage "with-utf8" ""
+    , callHackage "x509-store" "1.6.9"
     , callHackage "x509" "1.7.7"
     , callHackage "xml-conduit" ""
diff --git a/overlay.nix b/overlay.nix
index 2010b60eaa8c15c40a2874fe79ce58a180811339..e1499c7412d4a700ed44953d86b8f5e065a9d106 100644
--- a/overlay.nix
+++ b/overlay.nix
@@ -719,6 +719,8 @@ final: prev: with pkgs.haskell.lib; {
   x509 = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/x509.nix) { };
+  x509-store = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/x509-store.nix) { };
   xml-conduit = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/xml-conduit.nix) { };
diff --git a/pkgs/x509-store.nix b/pkgs/x509-store.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fa3e84edd9a9478d7fc85619dace20b46fef157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/x509-store.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{ mkDerivation
+, asn1-encoding
+, asn1-types
+, base
+, bytestring
+, containers
+, cryptonite
+, directory
+, filepath
+, lib
+, mtl
+, pem
+, tasty
+, tasty-hunit
+, x509
+mkDerivation {
+  pname = "x509-store";
+  version = "1.6.9";
+  sha256 = "c59213520cf31a0a18611a60b8a4d2d7aa6cb206c0545d857b98dcb90fc5c8da";
+  isLibrary = true;
+  isExecutable = false;
+  enableSeparateDataOutput = false;
+  libraryHaskellDepends = [
+    asn1-encoding
+    asn1-types
+    base
+    bytestring
+    containers
+    cryptonite
+    directory
+    filepath
+    mtl
+    pem
+    x509
+  ];
+  testHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring tasty tasty-hunit x509 ];
+  enableLibraryProfiling = false;
+  enableExecutableProfiling = false;
+  doHaddock = false;
+  jailbreak = true;
+  doCheck = false;
+  doBenchmark = false;
+  hyperlinkSource = false;
+  homepage = "http://github.com/vincenthz/hs-certificate";
+  description = "X.509 collection accessing and storing methods";
+  license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
+  broken = false;