From 817c7f189ed21b81599e51668529b433369aab83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Firth <>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 18:44:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ShellRC: add horizon-spec-lens and horizon-spec-pretty

 horizon.dhall     |   2 +-
 shell/ShellRC.hs  | 164 +++-------------------------------------------
 shell/default.nix |   2 +
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/horizon.dhall b/horizon.dhall
index a76552d5..07f7a66a 100644
--- a/horizon.dhall
+++ b/horizon.dhall
@@ -1267,4 +1267,4 @@ in  H.HorizonExport.MakePackageSet
       { packageSetFile = "initial-packages.nix"
       , packagesDir = "pkgs/"
       , packageSet = { compiler = "ghc-9.4.4", packages = toMap packages }
-      }
\ No newline at end of file
+      }
diff --git a/shell/ShellRC.hs b/shell/ShellRC.hs
index 9d314a77..2036d678 100644
--- a/shell/ShellRC.hs
+++ b/shell/ShellRC.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies       #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies        #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists           #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell           #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 module ShellRC where
-import Dhall.Core
-import Dhall.Src
 import           Brick                     (BrickEvent (VtyEvent), EventM,
                                             Padding (..),
                                             ViewportType (Vertical), Widget,
@@ -22,7 +20,6 @@ import           Brick                     (BrickEvent (VtyEvent), EventM,
                                             hBox, halt, on, padLeftRight, txt,
                                             vScrollBy, viewport, viewportScroll,
                                             visible, withAttr)
-import GHC.Exts
 import qualified Brick
 import           Brick.Widgets.Border
 import qualified Brick.Widgets.List        as Brick
@@ -38,7 +35,6 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap         as A
 import qualified Data.Aeson.Lens           as L
 import qualified Data.ByteString           as B
 import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BLU
-import qualified Dhall.Map as DMap
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU
 import           Data.Kind                 (Type)
 import qualified Data.List
@@ -54,9 +50,15 @@ import qualified Data.Vector               as V
 import qualified Data.Yaml                 as Y
 import qualified Data.Yaml.Pretty          as Y
 import qualified Dhall
+import           Dhall.Core
+import qualified Dhall.Map                 as DMap
+import           Dhall.Src
+import           GHC.Exts
 import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes
 import           Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
 import           Horizon.Spec
+import qualified Horizon.Spec.Lens as L
+import qualified Horizon.Spec.Pretty as H
 import           Network.HTTP.Simple
 import           Path
 import           Polysemy
@@ -252,159 +254,9 @@ readDerivation (MkPackagesDir d) (MkName x) = do
   q <- B.readFile $ toFilePath j
   pure $ T.decodeUtf8Lenient q
-horizonField :: Text -> Expr s a
-horizonField = Field (horizonSpecIdentifier) . makeFieldSelection
-callHackageLit :: Expr s a
-callHackageLit = horizonField "callHackage"
-callGitLit :: Expr s a
-callGitLit = horizonField "callGit"
-callTarballLit :: Expr s a
-callTarballLit = horizonField "callTarball"
-callHackageApp :: HackageSource -> Expr s a
-callHackageApp (MkHackageSource (MkName x) (MkVersion v)) = App (App callHackageLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)
-callGitApp :: GitSource -> Expr s a
-callGitApp (MkGitSource (MkRepo (MkUrl x)) (MkRevision v) d) = 
-  let z = case d of
-           Nothing -> App None $ horizonField "Subdir"
-           Just (MkSubdir k) -> Some $ TextLit $ Chunks [] $ T.pack $ toFilePath k
-  in App (App (App callGitLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)) z
-callTarballApp :: TarballSource -> Expr s a
-callTarballApp (MkTarballSource (MkUrl x)) = App callTarballLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)
-haskellSourceToExpr :: HaskellSource -> Expr s a
-haskellSourceToExpr k = case k of
-  FromHackage x -> callHackageApp x
-  FromGit x -> callGitApp x
-  FromTarball x -> callTarballApp x
-cabalFlagToExpr :: CabalFlag -> Expr s a
-cabalFlagToExpr (MkCabalFlag x) =
-  let (z, t) = case x of 
-                Disable a -> (makeFieldSelection "Disable", a)
-                Enable a -> (makeFieldSelection "Enable", a)
-  in App (Field (horizonField "CabalFlag") z) (TextLit $ Chunks [] t)
-haskellPackageToExpr :: HaskellPackage -> Expr s a
-haskellPackageToExpr (MkHaskellPackage s xs ys) = 
-  let t = haskellSourceToExpr s
-      applyFlagsExpr = if (not . null $ ys) then \x -> With x (WithLabel "flags" :| []) (ListLit Nothing $ GHC.Exts.fromList $ map cabalFlagToExpr ys) else id
-  in applyFlagsExpr t
-packageListToExpr :: PackageList -> Expr s a
-packageListToExpr (MkPackageList (Map.toList -> ys)) = RecordLit . DMap.fromList . map (\(MkName x, y) -> (x, makeRecordField $ haskellPackageToExpr y)) $ ys
-horizonExportToExpr :: HorizonExport -> Expr s Import
-horizonExportToExpr (MakePackageSet x) = packageSetExportSettingsToExpr x
-packageSetExportSettingsToExpr :: PackageSetExportSettings -> Expr s Import
-packageSetExportSettingsToExpr (MkPackageSetExportSettings (MkPackagesDir d) (MkPackageSetFile f) (MkPackageSet (MkCompiler c) xs)) = letHorizonSpecIn $ letPackagesBindingIn xs $ App (Field (horizonField "HorizonExport") (makeFieldSelection "MakePackageSet")) $ RecordLit . DMap.fromList $ [
-    ("packageSetFile", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] (T.pack $ toFilePath f)),
-    ("packagesDir", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] $ T.pack $ toFilePath d),
-    ("packageSet", makeRecordField $  RecordLit $ DMap.fromList [("compiler", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] c), ("packages", makeRecordField $ ToMap "packages" Nothing)])]
-prettyHorizonExport :: HorizonExport -> Text
-prettyHorizonExport = Dhall.Core.pretty . horizonExportToExpr
-writeHorizonFile :: HorizonExport -> IO ()
-writeHorizonFile = B.writeFile "horizon.dhall" . T.encodeUtf8 . Dhall.Core.pretty . horizonExportToExpr
 loadHorizon :: IO HorizonExport
 loadHorizon = Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
-horizonSpecUrl :: Dhall.Core.URL
-horizonSpecUrl = Dhall.Core.URL HTTPS "" (Dhall.Core.File (Dhall.Core.Directory ["dhall", "0.6", "raw", "-", "horizon-spec", "horizon"]) "package.dhall") Nothing Nothing
-horizonSpecImportHashed :: ImportHashed
-horizonSpecImportHashed = ImportHashed Nothing (Remote horizonSpecUrl)
-horizonSpecImport :: Import
-horizonSpecImport = Import horizonSpecImportHashed Code
-horizonSpecIdentifier :: Expr s a
-horizonSpecIdentifier = "H"
-packagesIdentifier :: Text
-packagesIdentifier = "packages"
-horizonSpecBinding :: Binding s Import
-horizonSpecBinding = makeBinding "H" (Dhall.Core.Embed horizonSpecImport)
-letHorizonSpecIn :: Expr s Import -> Expr s Import
-letHorizonSpecIn = Let horizonSpecBinding
-packagesBinding :: PackageList -> Binding s a
-packagesBinding = makeBinding packagesIdentifier . packageListToExpr
-letPackagesBindingIn :: PackageList -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
-letPackagesBindingIn xs = Let (packagesBinding xs)
-type HasPackageSet :: Type -> Constraint
-class HasPackageSet x where
-  packageSetL :: L.Lens' x PackageSet
-instance HasPackageSet Overlay where
-  packageSetL = L.lens fromOverlay (\(MkOverlay _) ys -> MkOverlay ys)
-instance HasPackageSet PackageSetExportSettings where
-  packageSetL = L.lens packageSet (\x y -> x { packageSet = y })
-instance HasPackageSet OverlayExportSettings where
-  packageSetL = L.lens overlay (\x y -> x { overlay = y }) . packageSetL @Overlay
-instance HasPackageSet HorizonExport where
-  packageSetL f = \case
-    MakePackageSet x -> MakePackageSet <$> packageSetL f x
-    MakeOverlay x -> MakeOverlay <$> packageSetL f x
-type HasPackages :: Type -> Constraint
-class HasPackages x where
-  packagesL :: L.Lens' x PackageList
-instance HasPackages PackageSet where
-  packagesL = L.lens packages (\x y -> x { packages = y })
-instance HasPackages HorizonExport where
-  packagesL = packageSetL . packagesL @PackageSet
-type instance L.IxValue PackageList = HaskellPackage
-type instance L.Index PackageList = Name
-type instance L.IxValue HorizonExport = HaskellPackage
-type instance L.Index HorizonExport = Name
-instance L.Ixed PackageList where
-  ix k f (MkPackageList xs) = MkPackageList <$> L.ix k f xs
-instance L.At PackageList where
-  at k f (MkPackageList xs) = MkPackageList <$> k f xs
-instance L.Ixed HorizonExport where
-  ix k = packagesL @HorizonExport . L.ix @PackageList k
-instance L.At HorizonExport where
-  at k = packagesL @HorizonExport . @PackageList k
-deriving newtype instance IsString Name
-deriving newtype instance IsString Version
-defaultModifiers :: Modifiers
-defaultModifiers = MkModifiers True True False False False
-callHackage :: Name -> Version -> HaskellPackage
-callHackage n v = MkHaskellPackage { source = FromHackage n v, flags = [], modifiers = defaultModifiers }
 go :: IO ()
 go = do
   x <- loadHorizon
diff --git a/shell/default.nix b/shell/default.nix
index c1d2f165..c13393b5 100644
--- a/shell/default.nix
+++ b/shell/default.nix
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ let
+    horizon-spec-lens
+    horizon-spec-pretty