diff --git a/pkgs/hnix.nix b/pkgs/hnix.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ccb4d485346f20e71229bbaef92073e28884e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkgs/hnix.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-{ mkDerivation
-, aeson
-, array
-, base
-, base16-bytestring
-, binary
-, bytestring
-, comonad
-, containers
-, criterion
-, cryptonite
-, data-fix
-, deepseq
-, deriving-compat
-, Diff
-, directory
-, exceptions
-, extra
-, fetchgit
-, filepath
-, free
-, gitrev
-, Glob
-, hashable
-, hashing
-, haskeline
-, hedgehog
-, hnix-store-core
-, hnix-store-remote
-, http-client
-, http-client-tls
-, http-types
-, lens-family
-, lens-family-core
-, lens-family-th
-, lib
-, logict
-, megaparsec
-, monad-control
-, monadlist
-, mtl
-, neat-interpolation
-, optparse-applicative
-, parser-combinators
-, pretty-show
-, prettyprinter
-, process
-, ref-tf
-, regex-tdfa
-, relude
-, repline
-, scientific
-, semialign
-, serialise
-, some
-, split
-, syb
-, tasty
-, tasty-hedgehog
-, tasty-hunit
-, tasty-th
-, template-haskell
-, text
-, th-lift-instances
-, these
-, time
-, transformers
-, transformers-base
-, unix-compat
-, unordered-containers
-, vector
-, xml
-mkDerivation {
-  pname = "hnix";
-  version = "0.16.0";
-  src = fetchgit {
-    url = "https://github.com/milloni/hnix";
-    sha256 = "0k6dwf7aaigracwnjlvlbjcl4gb9xv3wqzzy293z2wpm3wsr02m3";
-    rev = "005568ee024eabee129d9cf4ca331c6da260610b";
-    fetchSubmodules = true;
-  };
-  isLibrary = true;
-  isExecutable = true;
-  enableSeparateDataOutput = false;
-  libraryHaskellDepends = [
-    aeson
-    array
-    base
-    base16-bytestring
-    binary
-    bytestring
-    comonad
-    containers
-    cryptonite
-    data-fix
-    deepseq
-    deriving-compat
-    directory
-    exceptions
-    extra
-    filepath
-    free
-    gitrev
-    hashable
-    hashing
-    hnix-store-core
-    hnix-store-remote
-    http-client
-    http-client-tls
-    http-types
-    lens-family
-    lens-family-core
-    lens-family-th
-    logict
-    megaparsec
-    monad-control
-    monadlist
-    mtl
-    neat-interpolation
-    optparse-applicative
-    parser-combinators
-    pretty-show
-    prettyprinter
-    process
-    ref-tf
-    regex-tdfa
-    relude
-    scientific
-    semialign
-    serialise
-    some
-    split
-    syb
-    template-haskell
-    text
-    th-lift-instances
-    these
-    time
-    transformers
-    transformers-base
-    unix-compat
-    unordered-containers
-    vector
-    xml
-  ];
-  executableHaskellDepends = [
-    aeson
-    base
-    comonad
-    containers
-    data-fix
-    deepseq
-    exceptions
-    filepath
-    free
-    haskeline
-    optparse-applicative
-    pretty-show
-    prettyprinter
-    ref-tf
-    relude
-    repline
-    serialise
-    template-haskell
-    time
-  ];
-  testHaskellDepends = [
-    base
-    containers
-    data-fix
-    Diff
-    directory
-    exceptions
-    filepath
-    Glob
-    hedgehog
-    megaparsec
-    neat-interpolation
-    optparse-applicative
-    pretty-show
-    prettyprinter
-    process
-    relude
-    serialise
-    split
-    tasty
-    tasty-hedgehog
-    tasty-hunit
-    tasty-th
-    template-haskell
-    time
-    unix-compat
-  ];
-  benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
-    base
-    criterion
-    data-fix
-    exceptions
-    filepath
-    optparse-applicative
-    relude
-    serialise
-    template-haskell
-    time
-  ];
-  enableLibraryProfiling = false;
-  enableExecutableProfiling = false;
-  doHaddock = false;
-  jailbreak = true;
-  doCheck = false;
-  doBenchmark = false;
-  hyperlinkSource = false;
-  homepage = "https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix#readme";
-  description = "Haskell implementation of the Nix language";
-  license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
-  mainProgram = "hnix";
-  broken = false;