{ mkDerivation , base , bytestring , cardano-binary , cardano-binary-test , cardano-crypto , cardano-crypto-wrapper , cardano-prelude , cardano-prelude-test , cryptonite , fetchgit , hedgehog , lib , memory }: mkDerivation { pname = "cardano-crypto-test"; version = "1.3.0"; src = fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/milloni/cardano-ledger"; sha256 = "08nj6hcqj5apvb17n1irc8j7rzf10bcdh5gh1mkmhwbyw6h2d4ab"; rev = "3aa1fd8469424778454644f0d371988fb4490b4a"; fetchSubmodules = true; }; postUnpack = "sourceRoot+=/eras/byron/crypto/test/; echo source root reset to $sourceRoot"; isLibrary = true; isExecutable = false; enableSeparateDataOutput = true; libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring cardano-binary cardano-binary-test cardano-crypto cardano-crypto-wrapper cardano-prelude cardano-prelude-test cryptonite hedgehog memory ]; enableLibraryProfiling = true; enableExecutableProfiling = true; doHaddock = false; jailbreak = true; doCheck = false; doBenchmark = false; hyperlinkSource = false; description = "Test helpers from cardano-crypto exposed to other packages"; license = lib.licenses.asl20; broken = false; }