Horizon Advance
horizon-advance is a Package Set targetting GHC mainline, building on top of horizon-core.
While horizon-core only contains packages required to bootstrap the horizon toolchain, horizon-advance contains packages required for canary testing any compatibility issues with GHC mainline.
Businesses and individuals who require advance warning of particular open source packages for compatibility issues are encouraged to file a request here.
Package Set Policy
This package set has the following policy.
- GHC will advance as often as possible.
- Non-versioned locations (git, unversioned tarballs) are permitted to allow GHC to advance.
- The following packages must always build:
- polysemy
Updating the Package set
The package set is generated from the horizon.dhall
using the following command:
nix run develop/#horizon-gen-nix
If you need to do additional manual overrides to the nix code, such as
, edit the configuration.nix
overlay, which is applied
Programmmatic Updates
To use horizon-shell
nix develop develop/
See the in-shell help for usage.