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Daniel Firth's avatar
Daniel Firth authored
hydra-cluster, hydra-tui, fixup requirements

See merge request !5

Horizon Haskell: Hydra

horizon-hydra is a Package Set targetting hydra and all dependencies required to interact with it.

The following things are always expected to be here:

  • cardano-api
  • cardano-cli
  • cardano-node
  • hydra-node
  • hydra-tui

Updating the Package Set

Generating the nix expressions for the package set is a two step process.

  1. Edit the horizon.dhall file.

  2. Run

nix run develop/#horizon-gen-nix

You can edit the horizon.dhall file in one of two ways: manually using a text editor, or programatically using horizon-shell.

Tweaking & Hacking

If you need to do additional manual overrides to the nix code, such as addPkgconfigDepends, edit the configuration.nix overlay, which is applied over the generated derivations.


To build all packages, run

nix run develop/#feedback -- build


To run a hoogle server containing the entire package set. Do

nix run .#run-hoogle