Horizon is a haskell package set targetting new builds of GHC.
## Package Set Policy
This package set has the following policy.
* GHC will advance as often as possible
* Nonversioned locations (git, unversioned tarballs) are permitted to allow
GHC to advance.
* The following packages must always build:
* aeson
* beam-postgres
* composite-base
* dhall
* haskell-language-server
* hedgehog
* pandoc
* persistent-postgresql
* polysemy
* servant
* sydtest
* tasty
* wai-app-static
* warp
## Updating the package set
The package set is generated from the `horizon.dhall`. You can edit this in one
of two ways: manually using a text edit, or programatically using
### Manual
Edit the `horizon.dhall` file and add or change some package data.
Run `horizon-gen-nix` from the remote repository.
nix run 'git+'
To use `horizon-shell`.
See the in-shell help for usage.
### Tweaking
If you need to do additional manual overrides to the nix code, such as
`addPkgconfigDepends`, edit the `configuration/common.nix` overlay, which is
applied last.