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Commit 8c1ee3f4 authored by Daniel Firth's avatar Daniel Firth
Browse files

ShellRC: remove brick functions

parent a6cccaff
No related merge requests found
......@@ -33,6 +33,28 @@ If you need to do additional manual overrides to the nix code, such as
`addPkgconfigDepends`, edit the `configuration.nix` overlay, which is applied
## Programmmatic Updates
The package set will be automatically loaded under the variable `hz`.
import Horizon.Spec.Utils
let f = "lens" L..~ Just (callHackage "lens" "5.1")
:t f
f :: (L.IxValue t ~ HaskellPackage, L.At t,
IsString (L.Index t)) =>
t -> t
let hz' = f hz
H.writeHorizonFile hz'
Then remember to delete `pkgs/lens.nix` and re-run `nix run .#horizon-gen-nix`
as usual.~
## Package Set Policy
This package set has the following policy.
......@@ -6,16 +6,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin #-}
module ShellRC where
import Brick (BrickEvent(VtyEvent), txt, hBox, padLeftRight)
import Brick (EventM, viewport, ViewportType(Vertical))
import Brick (halt, attrMap, attrName, bg, on, fg)
import qualified Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as Brick
......@@ -53,8 +49,8 @@ import GHC.Exts
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import Horizon.Spec
import qualified Horizon.Spec.Lens as L
import qualified Horizon.Spec.Pretty as H
import qualified Horizon.Spec.Lens as L
import qualified Horizon.Spec.Pretty as H
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Path
import Polysemy
......@@ -90,172 +86,5 @@ runAllFeedback = do
let y = Map.keys . A.toMapText . L.view (L._Right . L._Object . L.ix "loops" . L._Object) $ x
mapM_ (captureLazyNoThrow . mq t "--command" "nix" "run" "github:NorfairKing/feedback" "--" . T.unpack) y
renderUrl :: Url -> Brick.Widget n
renderUrl (MkUrl x) = txt x
renderRepo :: Repo -> Brick.Widget n
renderRepo (MkRepo x) = renderUrl x
renderRevision :: Revision -> Brick.Widget n
renderRevision (MkRevision x) = txt x
renderName :: Name -> Brick.Widget n
renderName (MkName x) = txt x
renderVersion :: Version -> Brick.Widget n
renderVersion (MkVersion x) = txt x
renderGitSource :: GitSource -> Brick.Widget n
renderGitSource (MkGitSource u r s) = hBox (fmap (padLeftRight 1) [txt "Git", renderRepo u, renderRevision r])
renderHackageSource :: HackageSource -> Brick.Widget n
renderHackageSource (MkHackageSource n v) = hBox (fmap (padLeftRight 1) [txt "Hackage", renderName n, renderVersion v])
renderHaskellSource :: HaskellSource -> Brick.Widget n
renderHaskellSource (FromGit x) = renderGitSource x
renderHaskellSource (FromHackage x) = renderHackageSource x
type PackageListCursor :: Type
type PackageListCursor = NonEmptyCursor (Name, HaskellPackage, Text) (Name, HaskellPackage, Text)
type HorizonTUIState :: Type
data HorizonTUIState where
MkHorizonTUIState :: {
packageListCursor :: PackageListCursor,
lastChar :: Maybe Char
} -> HorizonTUIState
packageListToMatrix :: PackageListCursor -> [[Brick.Widget n]]
packageListToMatrix (NonEmptyCursor xs y zs) = V.toList $ mconcat [
fmap (\(k, v, _) -> [renderName k, renderHaskellSource $ source v]) $ V.fromList $ reverse $ Data.List.take 100 xs,
pure $ (\(k, v, _) -> fmap (Brick.withAttr (Brick.attrName "highlight")) [Brick.visible (renderName k), renderHaskellSource $ source v]) $ y,
fmap (\(k, v, _) -> [renderName k, renderHaskellSource $ source v]) $ V.fromList $ Data.List.take 100 zs
renderCursorPackageInfo :: PackageListCursor -> Brick.Widget n
renderCursorPackageInfo (NonEmptyCursor _ y _) = txt . L.view L._3 $ y
packageListToTable :: PackageListCursor -> Table n
packageListToTable = table . packageListToMatrix
renderPackageList :: Text -> PackageListCursor -> Brick.Widget Text
renderPackageList x = viewport x Vertical . renderTable . packageListToTable
nonEmptyCursorSelectNextClamped :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> NonEmptyCursor a b -> NonEmptyCursor a b
nonEmptyCursorSelectNextClamped f g s = fromMaybe s $ nonEmptyCursorSelectNext f g s
nonEmptyCursorSelectPrevClamped :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> NonEmptyCursor a b -> NonEmptyCursor a b
nonEmptyCursorSelectPrevClamped f g s = fromMaybe s $ nonEmptyCursorSelectPrev f g s
scrollDown :: Brick.EventM e HorizonTUIState ()
scrollDown = Brick.modify (\(MkHorizonTUIState s c) -> MkHorizonTUIState (nonEmptyCursorSelectNextClamped id id s) c)
scrollUp :: Brick.EventM e HorizonTUIState ()
scrollUp = Brick.modify (\(MkHorizonTUIState s c) -> MkHorizonTUIState (nonEmptyCursorSelectPrevClamped id id s) c)
endOfFile :: Brick.EventM e HorizonTUIState ()
endOfFile = Brick.modify (\(MkHorizonTUIState s c) -> MkHorizonTUIState (nonEmptyCursorSelectLast id id s) c)
startOfFile :: Brick.EventM e HorizonTUIState ()
startOfFile = Brick.modify (\(MkHorizonTUIState s c) -> MkHorizonTUIState (nonEmptyCursorSelectFirst id id s) c)
type Vim :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
data Vim y m a where
Del :: Vim y m ()
Find :: Vim y m ()
MoveDown :: Vim y m ()
MoveEndOfFile :: Vim y m ()
MoveLeft :: Vim y m ()
MoveRight :: Vim y m ()
MoveStartOfFile :: Vim y m ()
MoveUp :: Vim y m ()
Paste :: Vim y m ()
Quit :: Vim y m ()
Write :: Vim y m ()
Yank :: Vim y m ()
makeSem ''Vim
interpretVim :: Member (Embed (Brick.EventM e HorizonTUIState)) r => Sem (Vim y ': r) a -> Sem r a
interpretVim = interpret $ \case
Del -> embed $ pure ()
Find -> embed $ pure ()
MoveDown -> embed $ scrollDown
MoveEndOfFile -> embed $ endOfFile
MoveLeft -> embed $ pure ()
MoveRight -> embed $ pure ()
MoveStartOfFile -> embed $ startOfFile
MoveUp -> embed $ scrollUp
Paste -> embed $ pure ()
Quit -> embed $ halt
Yank -> embed $ pure ()
brickEventToVim :: Members '[Vim y, State (Maybe Char)] r => Brick.BrickEvent Text e -> Sem r ()
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey KDown [])) = moveDown
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey KUp [])) = moveUp
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'j') [])) = moveDown
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'k') [])) = moveUp
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'G') [])) = moveEndOfFile
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') [])) = do
x <- get
case x of
Just 'g' -> do
put Nothing
_ -> put $ Just 'g'
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') [])) = quit
brickEventToVim (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'w') [])) = write
semStateToBrickState :: Member (Embed (EventM e s)) r => L.Lens' s t -> Sem (State t ': r) a -> Sem r a
semStateToBrickState f = interpret $ \case
Put x -> embed $ Brick.put . L.set f x =<< Brick.get
Get -> embed $ L.view f <$> Brick.get
handleEvent :: Brick.BrickEvent Text e -> Brick.EventM Text HorizonTUIState ()
handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'b') [])) = do
(MkName x, _, _) <- Brick.gets (nonEmptyCursorCurrent . packageListCursor)
_ <- liftIO $ captureLazyNoThrow $ mq
(T.unpack $ ".#" <> x)
(pipeHOut 1 $ \_ stdout -> B.hGetContents stdout >>= (\_ -> pure ()))
(pipeHOut 2 $ \_ stderr -> B.hGetContents stderr >>= (\_ -> pure ()))
pure ()
handleEvent x = do
runM . semStateToBrickState (L.lens lastChar (\(MkHorizonTUIState s c) x -> MkHorizonTUIState s x )) . interpretVim . brickEventToVim $ x
handleEvent _ = pure ()
appAttrMap = attrMap defAttr [ (attrName "highlight", fg yellow)
, (attrName "warning", bg magenta)
, (attrName "good", white `on` green)
packageListMain :: Brick.App HorizonTUIState e Text
packageListMain = Brick.App ((\x -> pure $ hBox [renderPackageList "F" x, border $ renderCursorPackageInfo x]) . packageListCursor) (const $ const Nothing) handleEvent (pure ()) (const (appAttrMap))
buildCursor :: HorizonExport -> IO PackageListCursor
buildCursor (MakePackageSet (MkPackageSetExportSettings d _ (MkPackageSet _ (MkPackageList (Map.toList -> y:ys))))) = do
(z : zs) <- forM (y:ys) $ \(x, k) -> do
q <- readDerivation d x
pure (x, k, q)
pure $ makeNonEmptyCursor id (z :| zs)
readDerivation :: PackagesDir -> Name -> IO Text
readDerivation (MkPackagesDir d) (MkName x) = do
f' <- parseRelFile $ T.unpack (x <> ".nix")
let j = d </> f'
q <- B.readFile $ toFilePath j
pure $ T.decodeUtf8Lenient q
loadHorizon :: IO HorizonExport
loadHorizon = Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
go :: IO ()
go = do
x <- loadHorizon
k <- buildCursor x
Brick.defaultMain packageListMain $ MkHorizonTUIState k Nothing
pure ()
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