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mtl-prelude.nix 694 B
{ mkDerivation, base, lib, mtl, transformers }:
mkDerivation {
  pname = "mtl-prelude";
  version = "";
  sha256 = "40e83a8b08d1d95a1d15430f2d2923bbafe587b9491880ccb93feefe4215a0e9";
  isLibrary = true;
  isExecutable = false;
  enableSeparateDataOutput = false;
  libraryHaskellDepends = [ base mtl transformers ];
  enableLibraryProfiling = true;
  enableExecutableProfiling = true;
  doHaddock = true;
  jailbreak = true;
  doCheck = false;
  doBenchmark = false;
  hyperlinkSource = false;
  homepage = "";
  description = "Reexports of most definitions from \"mtl\" and \"transformers\"";
  license =;
  broken = false;