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Commit 281583c9 authored by Daniel Firth's avatar Daniel Firth
Browse files

hie-bios: init at 0.11.0

parent 6aab5c31
No related merge requests found
...@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ in [ callHackage "Cabal" "" ...@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ in [ callHackage "Cabal" ""
"" ""
(None Text) (None Text)
(None Text) (None Text)
, callHackage "hie-bios" "0.11.0"
, callHackage "hie-compat" "" , callHackage "hie-compat" ""
, callHackage "hiedb" "" , callHackage "hiedb" ""
, callHackage "hlint" "3.5" , callHackage "hlint" "3.5"
...@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ final: prev: with pkgs.haskell.lib; { ...@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ final: prev: with pkgs.haskell.lib; {
hedgehog-golden = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hedgehog-golden.nix) { }; hedgehog-golden = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hedgehog-golden.nix) { };
hie-bios = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hie-bios.nix) { };
hie-compat = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hie-compat.nix) { }; hie-compat = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hie-compat.nix) { };
hiedb = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hiedb.nix) { }; hiedb = prev.callPackage (./pkgs/hiedb.nix) { };
{ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring
, co-log-core, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, cryptohash-sha1
, deepseq, directory, exceptions, extra, file-embed, filepath, ghc
, lib, optparse-applicative, prettyprinter, process, tagged, tasty
, tasty-expected-failure, tasty-hunit, temporary, text, time
, transformers, unix-compat, unordered-containers, vector, yaml
mkDerivation {
pname = "hie-bios";
version = "0.11.0";
sha256 = "9708bf4309e904771bf590dd4e683e0b5c18e486ed499be8ceff5119a25f0eef";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
aeson base base16-bytestring bytestring co-log-core conduit
conduit-extra containers cryptohash-sha1 deepseq directory
exceptions extra file-embed filepath ghc prettyprinter process
temporary text time transformers unix-compat unordered-containers
vector yaml
executableHaskellDepends = [
base co-log-core directory filepath ghc optparse-applicative
testHaskellDepends = [
aeson base directory extra filepath ghc tagged tasty
tasty-expected-failure tasty-hunit temporary text transformers
unordered-containers yaml
doHaddock = false;
jailbreak = true;
doCheck = false;
hyperlinkSource = false;
homepage = "";
description = "Set up a GHC API session";
license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
mainProgram = "hie-bios";
\ No newline at end of file
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