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Commit a541b45e authored by Daniel Firth's avatar Daniel Firth
Browse files

ShellRC: mostly OK AST printing

parent 956e9991
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Brick (BrickEvent (VtyEvent), EventM,
hBox, halt, on, padLeftRight, txt,
vScrollBy, viewport, viewportScroll,
visible, withAttr)
import GHC.Exts
import qualified Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as Brick
......@@ -249,40 +250,88 @@ readDerivation (MkPackagesDir d) (MkName x) = do
q <- B.readFile $ toFilePath j
pure $ T.decodeUtf8Lenient q
callHackageLit :: Expr Src Import
callHackageLit = Field "H" (FieldSelection Nothing "callHackage" Nothing)
horizonField :: Text -> Expr s a
horizonField = Field (horizonSpecIdentifier) . makeFieldSelection
callGitLit :: Expr Src Import
callGitLit = Field "H" (FieldSelection Nothing "callGit" Nothing)
callHackageLit :: Expr s a
callHackageLit = horizonField "callHackage"
callHackageApp :: Name -> Version -> Expr Src Import
callHackageApp (MkName x) (MkVersion v) = App (App callHackageLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)
callGitLit :: Expr s a
callGitLit = horizonField "callGit"
callGitApp :: Repo -> Revision -> Expr Src Import
callGitApp (MkRepo (MkUrl x)) (MkRevision v) = App (App callGitLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)
callTarballLit :: Expr s a
callTarballLit = horizonField "callTarball"
callHackageApp :: HackageSource -> Expr s a
callHackageApp (MkHackageSource (MkName x) (MkVersion v)) = App (App callHackageLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)
f :: Name -> HaskellPackage -> (Name, RecordField Src Import)
f x k = case source k of
FromHackage (MkHackageSource n v) -> (x, RecordField Nothing (callHackageApp n v) Nothing Nothing)
FromGit (MkGitSource n v _) -> (x, RecordField Nothing (callGitApp n v) Nothing Nothing)
callGitApp :: GitSource -> Expr s a
callGitApp (MkGitSource (MkRepo (MkUrl x)) (MkRevision v) _) = App (App callGitLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)) (TextLit $ Chunks [] v)
g :: IO (Expr Src Import)
g = do
x <- Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
pure $ h x
callTarballApp :: TarballSource -> Expr s a
callTarballApp (MkTarballSource (MkUrl x)) = App callTarballLit (TextLit $ Chunks [] x)
haskellSourceToExpr :: HaskellSource -> Expr s a
haskellSourceToExpr k = case k of
FromHackage x -> callHackageApp x
FromGit x -> callGitApp x
FromTarball x -> callTarballApp x
cabalFlagToExpr :: CabalFlag -> Expr s a
cabalFlagToExpr (MkCabalFlag x) =
let (z, t) = case x of
Disable a -> (makeFieldSelection "Disable", a)
Enable a -> (makeFieldSelection "Enable", a)
in App (Field (horizonField "CabalField") z) (TextLit $ Chunks [] t)
haskellPackageToExpr :: HaskellPackage -> Expr s a
haskellPackageToExpr (MkHaskellPackage s xs ys) =
let t = haskellSourceToExpr s
applyFlagsExpr = if (not . null $ ys) then \x -> With x (WithLabel "flags" :| []) (ListLit Nothing $ GHC.Exts.fromList $ map cabalFlagToExpr ys) else id
in applyFlagsExpr t
packageListToExpr :: PackageList -> Expr s a
packageListToExpr (MkPackageList (Map.toList -> ys)) = RecordLit . DMap.fromList . map (\(MkName x, y) -> (x, makeRecordField $ haskellPackageToExpr y)) $ ys
h :: HorizonExport -> Expr Src Import
h (MakePackageSet (MkPackageSetExportSettings d _ (MkPackageSet _ (MkPackageList (Map.toList -> ys))))) =
RecordLit $ DMap.fromList $ map ((\(MkName x, y) -> (x, y)) . uncurry f) ys
h (MakePackageSet (MkPackageSetExportSettings (MkPackagesDir d) (MkPackageSetFile f) (MkPackageSet (MkCompiler c) xs))) = letHorizonSpecIn $ letPackagesBindingIn xs $ RecordLit . DMap.fromList $ [
("packageSetFile", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] (T.pack $ toFilePath f)),
("packagesDir", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] $ T.pack $ toFilePath d),
("packagesSet", makeRecordField $ RecordLit $ DMap.fromList [("compiler", makeRecordField $ TextLit $ Chunks [] c), ("packages", makeRecordField $ ToMap "packages" Nothing)])]
loadHorizon :: IO HorizonExport
loadHorizon = Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
horizonSpecUrl :: Dhall.Core.URL
horizonSpecUrl = Dhall.Core.URL HTTPS "" (Dhall.Core.File (Dhall.Core.Directory ["dhall", "0.6", "raw", "-", "horizon-spec", "horizon", ""]) "package.dhall") Nothing Nothing
horizonSpecImportHashed :: ImportHashed
horizonSpecImportHashed = ImportHashed Nothing (Remote horizonSpecUrl)
horizonSpecImport :: Import
horizonSpecImport = Import horizonSpecImportHashed Code
horizonSpecIdentifier :: Expr s a
horizonSpecIdentifier = "H"
packagesIdentifier :: Text
packagesIdentifier = "packages"
horizonSpecBinding :: Binding s Import
horizonSpecBinding = makeBinding "H" (Dhall.Core.Embed horizonSpecImport)
letHorizonSpecIn :: Expr s Import -> Expr s Import
letHorizonSpecIn = Let horizonSpecBinding
packagesBinding :: PackageList -> Binding s a
packagesBinding = makeBinding packagesIdentifier . packageListToExpr
letPackagesBindingIn :: PackageList -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
letPackagesBindingIn xs = Let (packagesBinding xs)
go :: IO ()
go = do
x <- Dhall.inputFile @HorizonExport "horizon.dhall"
x <- loadHorizon
k <- buildCursor x
Brick.defaultMain packageListMain $ MkHorizonTUIState k Nothing
pure ()
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